Every Problem Should Have a Solution

Home / Every Problem Should Have a Solution


The labels shown in this picture might as well be labelled “problems and solutions” instead of “IN BOX and OUT BOX”. It seems that the number of problems is always growing and some of yesterday’s solutions have become today’s problems.

4thDay was created to address a specific problem set so that (for at least a few people) the stack on the left will get a bit shorter and the stack on the right a bit taller.

The problem we set out to solve was how to handle some of the back office functions for a small, Christian non-profit – the Atlanta Lutheran Via de Cristo, or ALVDC. The ALVDC exists to “inspire, challenge and equip people for Christian action in their homes, churches and communities.” The ALVDC is one of many groups linked together under the National Lutheran Via de Cristo.  There are other similar movements including the Cursillo movement, Walk to Emmaus, Kairos Prison Ministry, Tres Dias, The Great Banquet and others. All of these movements fall under the umbrella term, “Three Day Movements.”

Our first application, “4thData BackOffice”, will give a VDC or other community a tool set to track their weekend information. Reports are available that will help community leaders as they choose a team for an upcoming weekend. After the weekend, you will be able to see the distribution of small groups across your area.

Technology is not a replacement for seeking His will in prayer. However, a bit of knowledge can make it easier to put the pieces in place. A bit of software can allow us to focus on the real work we are called to do and not shuffling reams of paper. 4thData BackOffice was designed to make it easy for an organization’s leaders to gather information and make decisions so that their ministry and community will thrive.


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